At both Wave hair salon and Osteria da Fulvio, I am a regular customer. In both establishments, I knew I would have a warm welcome: a smile, a heartfelt "Buongiorno" and "Com'e stai?" In the hair salon, the stylists know my name, a bit about my decision to live in Florence, and I know a little about their personal lives. At the osteria, though, I am always addressed as "signora", but it is the complimentary Prosecco that signals recognition.
When I finished at the hair salon and we said our good-byes, I took a few photos along the Arno and walked to Osteria da Fulvio. I have eaten lunch here alone and with friends. I hoped that when I walked in the owner would remember me, since I had been away for three months. Once I removed my sunglasses and mask, I received a smile and another "Buongiorno"! After a brief exchange, I was asked, "Vuoi Prosechino?" Would I like a small Prosecco? "Si, grazie." From a tap behind the bar, Fulvio poured a complimentary glass of Prosecco, his offer of thanks for being a regular.
A move to a new city means that for a while, maybe a long while, a person is not known anywhere as a "regular." This situation in which no one knows you, can create a positive "devil may care" attitude, or a negative state of loneliness. When I first arrived in Florence in September 2019, I experienced both feelings. Now, though, I am happier to be recognized with a smile and a complimentary Prosechino. (Note- In this word, the "ch" is pronounced as a "k".)
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